ENZo Lectures

Several times a year, the ENZo Lectures provide an opportunity for expert input and exchange in very different formats.
ENZo Lectures 2024
Date Title Speaker

05. November 2024

Dr. Sibylle Braungardt, Öko-Institut Freiburg

February 05, 2024

ENZo-Docs: Presentation of project results 2023 and new ideas 2024; other speakers

January 10, 2024 - 6pm

Keynote: Prof. Dr. Daniela Jacob (hereon/GERICS)

ENZo Lectures 2023
Datum Titel Referent*in Hinweise

October, 24, 2023

Prof. Walter Leitner (MPI-cec)

March, 1, 2023 - 16:30

Dr. Daniel Bahro (EnBW), Dr. Oleksandr Dolotko (KIT)

ENZo Lectures 2022
Datum Titel Referent*in Hinweise

June, 27th 2022, 7 pm

Dr. Thomas Haas, Evonik

Registration via Ilias

December, 14th, 2022 - 6 pm

Friedemann Gruner,
Mercator Research Institute on global Commons and Climate Change (MCC)

registration via Ilias extremely welcome but not mandatory

26. April 2022

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jutta Hanson, TU Darmstadt

registration via Ilias required