Basis of Energy and Climate Change

  • Typ: Vorlesung
  • Zielgruppe: Promovierende, Master-Studierende
  • Ort:

    Campus Süd, (Präsenz)

  • Zeit:

    Di, 20. Februar, 9-17 Uhr (mit Mittagspause)

  • Dozent:

    Prof. Nicolaus Dahmen (KIT, IKFT) und Prof. Edmund Henrich (Uni HD)

  • Assistent:

    The mechanisms and possible consequences of climate change often appear complex and hard to understand. However, the underlying phenomena can be understood and described by common physical and chemical principles. The seminar tries to explain these basic principles and wants to enable and encourage the participants to perform further, own studies on climate change phenomena. The compact seminar course will introduce the development of climate, world population and energy consumption, and describe the carbon cycle, the green house gas effect of CO2 as well as that of related gases and aerosols. A short theory of earth temperature increase, climate models and simulations will for the basis to present and discuss possible methods to mitigate climate change, reduce emissions and remove greenhouse gases. Relevant references for further studies will be recommended.